Trademark Search
Trademark search is the first step to make sure TM application gets registration and the effort, time and money invested into brand is not wasted.
There are many reasons why a trademark may be rejected, for example if the chosen mark already on register or there are similar marks on record, the application may be rejected. It is important to avoid adoption of descriptive/ generic trade mark. This will result in initial fees loss and you need to incur expenses again to resubmit new application.
However, hiring our professional team during from the very beginning at the time of adoption of trademark, we’ll make sure the trademark chose is capable of being registered and is unique. Remember a Google Search is not never accurate nor sufficient.
Search Strategy Risk
An imperfect search, a plain search for name directly, or no search, could result into action by a third party. For example, if you try file a trade mark that is deceptively similar to an existing mark that too for same / similar goods or services, chances of trade mark opposition are really high. At worse Applicant may face action for trade mark infringement which means one has to change mark and a lot of money is wasted.
That's why it's essential to make sure thorough searches are done before submitting your trade mark application.
Searches reduce the risk of problems later
Our team leaves performs well when it comes to the viability of the trade mark. We do comprehensive searches of the CGPTM Trade Mark Registers
After completing search, we’ll provide search report with clear mention whether you can file the new trademark, potential risk and if the mark is not registrable. The last decision will be of applicant / client to inform us if they want to go ahead with the filing of trademark.
Class Selection
While applying for registration, you need to apply it under the right classification of classes. We help you choose the right class under which you need to register. The trademark offers you the right to sell under a particular brand name within a certain sector in the economy. In total, there are 45 Classes of goods and Services and each class have goods / services defined. Each logo or brand name has to be first searched after designating classes. For example, the Class 25 includes goods such as Clothing, headgear and footwear. Hence, if you are planning to launch a new Clothing brand, you will have to apply under the Class 25. It is very important to conduct pre-filing searches though professionals and has to be done in the right way in order to avoid future legal action against you and the risk of having to rebrand.
Preparing The Application
After we ensure that your brand name or logo is unique / distinctive and can be registered, we proceed with the drafting and filing of application by preparing the authorization letter first i.e., Form TM 48. This Form authorizes us to filing of trademark application and prosecution on your behalf. You just need to sign the Form and send us the scanned copy. Post filing of trademark, all the documents are provided and follow-ups are made on monthly basis. The status of trademark are provided on We further help you fill out the form and keep updating you about the proceedings until the registration process is complete.