Trademark Search
We help in your trademark search by conducting the search using trademark(™) director. We also conduct a detailed check on the trademark logo and brand name that you had selected to ensure that it is not yet registered under anybody else’s name. The trademark can be registered once it is found to be unique. In case your logo or brand name is already registered by someone else, we help you find ways to modify it so that your registration does not get cancelled.
Class Selection
While applying for registration, you need to apply it under the right classification of classes. We help you choose the right class under which you need to register. The trademark offers you the right to sell under a particular brand name within a certain sector in the economy. In total, there are about 45 sectors and each sector is named as a class. Goods and services are classified into 45 different classes by the Trademark Registry. Every logo or brand name has to be registered under the appropriate class. For example, the Class 28 includes products and services related to games, sports and toys. Hence, if you are planning to launch a new toy brand, you will have to apply under the Class 28.
Preparing The Application
After we ensure that your brand name or logo is unique and can be registered, we proceed with the application by preparing the authorization letter first. This gives us the right to make the trademark registration on your behalf. You can sign the letter and return it back to us. We further help you fill out the form and keep updating you about the proceedings until the registration process is complete.